Monday, 24 October 2011

It's all gone Guerrilla.

Guerrilla marketing is used in all different avenues of design. It has been used for things such as child abuse, environmental issues and selling a product or business. Guerrilla doesn’t always have to have a humour factor. Sometimes, with cases such as abuse; the point Guerrilla helps convey is the serious side, the honesty in the matter. Guerrilla is great for charities such as the NSPCC because not only does it cut out the large company budget, but it also gets straight to the ‘nitty gritty’, which is often what you need to see with campaigns about issues that really need your help.

Charities now rely on Guerrilla to reach their audience.

Guerrilla Installation for Fitness company.

Guerrilla marketing affects the way we see advertising now days. It’s so easy to ignore posters and adverts because we see them almost everywhere! However, it’s almost impossible to ignore Guerrilla adverts. When they’re done well, they’re done really well.

So why is it that Guerrilla is more successful than other advertising? Guerrilla often takes the consumer by surprise. By being clever and unpredictable you allow consumers to challenge, and seek fun within their products.

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