Monday, 24 October 2011

Guerrilla Blog analysis.

I have been keeping my eye on a number of Guerrilla marketing blogs over the last two weeks to see how people comment and discuss adverts they have found; good, bad, imaginative and memorable. I have found this blog: very helpful as it depicts 50 different aspects of Guerrilla that you should be following. It mentions tips such as; bumper stickers, top ten reasons to choose you, fish bowl business cards, contests and charity donations. This blog basically helps you out with all the tricks of the trade in getting you on your way to Guerrilla marketing.

Fake publicity stunt – "you could have people picket your storefront with signs that read 'This business is too nice' or 'Company X is too good at their job'. Theres a million fake publicity stunts, use your imagination and I bet it’ll work no matter how weird or out of the box it seems". (Boot strapping blog, 6).
This quote stood out to me because it highlights the complete truth. Business’ basically lie to get you to buy their products. They will always find a way around a slogan or saying with a slight lie or twist to it, because this is how they draw the desire from customers. Even if what they say is true and “Company X is too good at their job” that’s not guaranteed 100% but it does sound better than “Company X is sometimes good at their job”.

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